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Research Record Collection: Andrew Kenyon, Defamation Law in Context: Australian and US News Production Practices and Public Debate

Collection Title
Research Record Collection: Andrew Kenyon, Defamation Law in Context: Australian and US News Production Practices and Public Debate
Room 935, Centre for Media and Communications Law, Faculty of Law, University of Melbourne, The University of Melbourne
Date Range
2003 - 2006

This is a collection of records from Andrew Kenyon's work on the project "Defamation Law in Context: Australian and US News Production Practices and Public Debate" (ARC Discovery-Project DP0343258).



Related Resources


  • Andrew Kenyon, 'Lange and Reynolds Qualified Privilege: Australian and English Defamation Law and Practice', Melbourne University Law Review, vol. 28, 2004, pp. 406-437 [ Details... ]
  • Chris Dent, ''The Privileged Few' and the Classification of Henwood v. Harrison: Foucault, Comment and Qualified Privilege', Griffith Law Review, vol. 14, no. 1, 2005, pp. 34-60 [ Details... ]
  • Chris Dent and Andrew T. Kenyon, 'Defamation Law's Chilling Effect: A Comparative Content Analysis of Australian and US Newspapers', Media and Arts Law Review, vol. 9, no. 89, 2004, pp. 89-111 [ Details... ]
  • Russel L. Weaver, Andrew T. Kenyon, David F. Partlett, Clive P. Walker, 'Defamation Law and Free Speech: Reynolds v Time Newspapers and the English Media', Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, vol. 37, no. 5, 2004, pp. 1255-1316 [ Details... ]
  • Tim K. Marjoribanks and Andrew T. Kenyon, 'Regulating News: Standards and Competence in Contemporary Media Practice', in Proceedings of the Australian Sociological Association 2004 Conference, La Trobe University, Australian Sociological Association, December 2004 [ Details... ]